Join us for a Sunday afternoon Cruise with fellow car & bike enthusiasts!
Save the date and join us for a Sunday afternoon cruise to help us "Drive Miss Daisy."
The 2017 cruise is Sunday, July 30th. Like us on
for updated information. Here are the details for our 6th annual cruise....
10:00 AM - Registration at Casselton Veterinary Clinic (Highway 18 on south end of town)
10:30 AM - Pedals Down and Kick Stands Up
1 PM - Lunch at The Lunchbox Eatery in Fort Ransom
2:30 PM - End at Sibley Crossing - prizes for Poker Run!
There will be rest stops along the way. Fuel will be available in Fort Ransom.
The cost is $25/driver + $10/passenger. Pay the day of the cruise.
Pre-registration is not required, but helps in our planning.
Thank you to our 2017 Cruise Sponsors! Click here to see the list